Voorhis Interactive: Posts of the Trade

Fort Lennox   ENG GMaps
ID: 366  Voorhis Number: 303 ;   Location: Quebec, Canada [45.1231, -73.2644] ;    Founded: 1812 , Closed: 1869 .

English military fort built 1812-1818 on site of old French fort (1759) named fort Isle-aux-Noix, Richelieu river (q.v.). French fort was captured by the English 25 August 1759. New fort built 1812-1818 was named Lennox from family name of Charles, Duke of Richmond, the Governor General 1816-19. Fort Lennox was captured by the Americans 1775. After treaty of Paris 1782 fort was maintained by English garrison until 1869 when it was finally abandoned.

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