Voorhis Interactive: Posts of the Trade

Fort Wapikopa   HBC GMaps
ID: 703  Voorhis Number: 585 ;   Location: Ontario, Canada [52.95, -88.1] ;    Founded: pre 1832 , Closed: NA .

Hudson's Bay Co. fort on lake Wapikopa, Ontario, headwaters of the Winisk river (55°N. & 88°15'W.) about 85 miles north of Gloucester House. It is shown on Arrowsmith maps of 1832 and 1857 (No. 101 & 8). On Bell's map of lake Nipigon 1910 (No. 59) "site of old Hudson's Bay Co. fort" is marked., and on McInnis' map of Keewatin 1903 (No. 54) it is named "Old fort Concord".

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