Voorhis Interactive: Posts of the Trade

Fort Vermilion (1)   NWC GMaps
ID: 693  Voorhis Number: 578 ;   Location: Alberta, Canada [58.46, -115.859] ;    Founded: 1798 , Closed: NA .

North West Co. fort on north bank of Peace river near mouth of Boyer river. The first fort, known as the "Old Establishment", was built by Boyer 1798. After union of 1821 this fort was taken over by the Hudson's Bay Co. who later built a new establishment about 5 miles farther up stream from Boyer river, and still operate the post. Harmon visited the Old Establishment in 1808. The Arrowsmith map of 1857 (No. 8) shows the location of the "Old Fort". See also maps No. 11, 100, & 101.

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