Voorhis Interactive: Posts of the Trade

Split Lake House   HBC GMaps
ID: 656  Voorhis Number: 545 ;   Location: Manitoba, Canada [56.25, -96.11] ;    Founded: 1886 , Closed: post1930 .

Old Hudson's Bay Co. post established on Split Lake, Nelson river, Manitoba, between 1740 and 1760, antedating Cumberland House by about 30 years. It was one of the earliest posts off the Bay, about 140 miles from Fort Nelson. It is included in the 1856 list and shown on maps No. 8, 12, 16, 86, 100 and 101. For some years this post seems to have been closed and the present Split Lake House was established in 1886 at the north end of the lake. Supplies for this post were at first brought from Norway House down the Nelson river by York boat, but this method was abandoned in 1916 and supplies are now brought by railway from The Pas to Landing River (mile 279) and thence by canoes 26 miles to the post.

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