Voorhis Interactive: Posts of the Trade

Fort Severn   HBC GMaps
ID: 636  Voorhis Number: 527 ;   Location: Ontario, Canada [55.591, -87.63] ;    Founded: 1685 , Closed: NA .

Hudson's Bay Co. fort at mouth of Severn river. In 1680 the Company ordered the building of a factory at New Severn river. The fort was completed in 1685 of logs with 4 bastions at mouth of Severn river on left bank. This fort was burnt by the English 1689 to prevent its capture by the French.

In 1691 the French constructed a new fort, called Ste. Thérese or Neuve Savanna, on the right bank near mouth of river (map of Del'Isle 1703 No. 18). This was captured by the English 1693. In the following year 1694 it was again captured by the French and rebuilt by them in 1701-2 on south side mouth of river. The fort was finally restored to the Hudson's Bay Co. by the Treaty of Utrecht 1713. After 1714 the fort was for a time abandoned by the Company, but in 1759 the present fort was rebuilt on the north bank and has been operated continuously to date. (Maps Nos. 1, 3, 4, 8, 18, 96, 94 and 140.

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