Voorhis Interactive: Posts of the Trade

Fort Qu'Appelle   HBC GMaps
ID: 540  Voorhis Number: 451 ;   Location: Saskatchewan, Canada [50.7672, -103.778] ;    Founded: pre 1804 , Closed: NA .

Hudson's Bay Co. fort on the right (south) bank of Qu'Appelle river, 103°46'W. 90 miles west of old Fort Espérance, at the mouth of Jumping Deer creek between the Fishing lakes. It was built before 1804. Sometimes called Qu'Appelle Lakes fort. It appears on the 1872 list of posts and was probably discontinued after 1880.

The name Qu'Appelle is derived from an Indian legend that the shores are haunted by a spirit that often wails during the night resembling a human voice. The voyageurs applied the name Qu'Appelle.

The North West Co. also maintained a post built by John McDonald in 1808 on a "beautiful small lake", and the X. Y. Co. had also an adjoining post.

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