Voorhis Interactive: Posts of the Trade

Fort Pembina (3)   HBC GMaps
ID: 510  Voorhis Number: 423 ;   Location: North Dakota, United States of America [48.965, -97.236] ;    Founded: 1793 , Closed: NA .

The first Hudson's Bay Co. fort was built on the east side of Red river in 1793 by McKay. In 1801 the Company rebuilt this fort. It was on the site of the present St. Vincent, Minnesota. In 1812 the Company built Fort Daer (q.v.) on the north side of Pembina river, site of present town of Pembina. In 1821 the Hudson's Bay Co. took over the N.W. Co. fort Pembina which stood close by. After delineation of the International boundary the Hudson's Bay Co. moved a short distance north to British territory. In 1871 Fenian raiders from the United States seized this fort.

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