Voorhis Interactive: Posts of the Trade

Fort Outoulibis   Fr GMaps
ID: 498  Voorhis Number: 412 ;   Location: Ontario, Canada [50.045, -88.95] ;    Founded: pre 1682 , Closed: NA .

Old French fort at north end of lake Nipigon. Hennepin's maps of 1682 and 1697 show this fort marked "Outoulibis or fort to stop the Assinipoels" and such a fort is also shown on the map "La Cours du Fleuve Mississippi 1737". This fort and La Tourette (or La Maune) were the original French forts on lake Nipigon and probably Outoulibis was the first Hudson's Bay Co. fort on the lake having been taken over by the Company after the cession of Canada and the name changed to fort Nipigon.

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