Voorhis Interactive: Posts of the Trade

Fort Musquarro   Fr GMaps
ID: 440  Voorhis Number: 371 ;   Location: Quebec, Canada [50.217, -61.06] ;    Founded: c. 1710 , Closed: post1925 .

Old French fortified trading post on lower St. Lawrence at mouth of Musquarro (Muskwaro) river. The most eastern post in Mingan Seigniory, 20 leagues from Nepioshibou. It was established about 1710. Was in the territory leased to the Labrador Company of Quebec in 1780. Acquired by North West Co. 1803 by lease and by Hudson's Bay Co. 1821. James McKenzie in 1808 says, "The position of the post was well concealed. In 1775 was not discovered by the American pirates. The fort included a chapel and a few houses and was a noted post for quantities of beaver and martens". Under the Hudson's Bay Co. the name was changed to Romaine (which see). It was reported on the Company lists of 1851-1857. Apparently closed for a time in 1859. In operation 1925. Map 105 & 8.

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