Voorhis Interactive: Posts of the Trade

Fort Longue Sault   Fr GMaps
ID: 380  Voorhis Number: 317 ;   Location: Ontario, Canada [45.61, -74.6] ;    Founded: pre 1757 , Closed: NA .

French fort on the Ottawa river, six miles from lake of Two Mountains. Location is shown on map No. 2. Bougainville says of this fort: "It is situated on the south bank of Grand or Ottawa river, as Carillon is on the north bank, at foot of rapids, about six leagues from lake of Two Mountains. These two little posts have been established for trading with passing Indians, Nipissings, Algonquins and Iroquois". The Marquis de Vaudreuil was commandant of Longue Sault in 1757. Situated at present Point Fortune.

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