Voorhis Interactive: Posts of the Trade

Keg River post   NWC GMaps
ID: 312  Voorhis Number: 257 ;   Location: Alberta, Canada [57.9, -117.1] ;    Founded: c. 1800 , Closed: NA .

Hudson's Bay Co. post on east bank Peace River, 60 miles above Fort Vermilion, near mouth of Keg river. It was sometimes called Fort du Tremble. Shown on H.B. Co. map 1857 (No. 8) and Map of North West Territory 1877 (No. 16). This fort was originally built by the North West Co. about 1800 or earlier, and is called by D. Thompson in 1804 "Old Fort du Tremble". Sometimes called De Tremble or Des Trembles.

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