Voorhis Interactive: Posts of the Trade

Frederick House   HBC GMaps
ID: 213  Voorhis Number: 179 ;   Location: Ontario, Canada [48.535, -80.968] ;    Founded: 1785 , Closed: 1794 .

Hudson's Bay Co. fort at confluence of Abitibi and Frederick House rivers, Ontario. The Hudson's Bay Co. built their first fort at this site in 1783, on the site of an old French post built before 1696. In 1785 Frederick House was moved from its first location to the site of the old French fort called St. Germain or Piscoutagamy at the outlet of Night-hawk lake built in 1673. In 1794 Frederick House was ordered closed but in 1798 it had been reopened on Frederick House lake at the outlet (then called Waratowaha lake). This post seems to have been closed about 1820, but in 1822 it was again in operation. In 1887 the Hudson's Bay Co. maintained a post on Night-hawk lake. Its location is shown on Arrowsmith map 1857 (No. 8) and on White's map of Labrador 1926 (No. 24). See also Old Post (French fort).

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