Voorhis Interactive: Posts of the Trade

Fort Dunvegan   NWC GMaps
ID: 178  Voorhis Number: 149 ;   Location: Alberta, Canada [59.295, -118.61] ;    Founded: c. 1800 , Closed: NA .

Hudson's Bay Co. fort on north bank of Peace river at mouth of Muddy Creek (118°40'W & 56°N.) built about 1800. Was closed temporarily in 1825 to punish the Indians for the massacre at Fort St. John in 1823. This fort was maintained by the Company until about 1900. Shown on maps No. 8, 101 & 100.

The North West Co. also built opposite the Hudson's Bay Co. on the south bank, about 1800. This fort was soon moved to the north bank, near the Hudson's Bay Co. It was named after McLeod's castle of Skye Is. Harmon visited the fort in 1809. Shown on Map of Early Fur Trading Posts in Alberta (No. 11).

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