Voorhis Interactive: Posts of the Trade

Fort Douglas   HBC GMaps
ID: 170  Voorhis Number: 142 ;   Location: Manitoba, Canada [49.9, -97.13] ;    Founded: 1812 , Closed: NA .

Hudson's Bay Co. fort, Winnipeg, on site of present Robert and George avenues, about one mile downstream from Fort Gibraltar, near the bank of the Red river. It was built by John McLeod for Governor McDonnell in 1812. Was captured by Cuthbert Grant, July, 1816, after the killing of Governor Semple at Seven Oaks and partly demolished. It was recaptured by Lord Selkirk in 1817. For several years Fort Douglas was headquarters of the Governor of Assiniboia. When the Hudson's Bay Co. repurchased Lord Selkirk's rights, in 1835, Fort Douglas was sold to Robert Logan who occupied some of the buildings until 1854. See Winnipeg Forts and maps in "Old Forts of Winnipeg." Built on site of Fort Selkirk.

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