Voorhis Interactive: Posts of the Trade

Fort Cataraqui   Fr GMaps
ID: 104  Voorhis Number: 92 ;   Location: Ontario, Canada [44.2333, -76.4786] ;    Founded: 1673 , Closed: 1689 .

French military fort on the site of present Kingston, lake Ontario, built by Frontenac 1673 at mouth of Cataraqui river and called by him Fort Cataraqui. It was granted to La Salle 1675 for a fortified outpost and seigniory. It was originally a King's post and was erected for defence against the Iroquois and to intercept the Indians from trading with the English at Albany. The fort was dismantled and abandoned by Denonville 1689. In 1694 Frontenac re-established the fort and garrisoned it with 700 men, rebuilding it of stone with four bastions. Bougainville (1757) says that goods were brought from Montreal in canoes for Fort Cataraqui and were then loaded on sailing boats for Niagara. The second fort built by Frontenac in 1694 is generally known as Fort Frontenac. It was captured from the French in 1758 by Gen. Bradstreet and destroyed at that time. It is shown on La Hontan's map 1703 (No. 20) and on Del'Isle's map 1703 (No. 18) and Carver's map 1778.

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